CRUD Software Brainstorm



Last time we went over self introductions. If you haven't already, intorduce yourself in the slack channel with the given prompt and be sure to respond to atleast 2 other people's introduction in threads.

Unifinished business

From last time, we didn't get to announce the roles. The roles have been sent out in an email earlier this morning so be sure to check that.


After meeting with the TA, it turns out we don't know if everyone will have the same project or not. As such we will still have our brainstorming session today as discussed and potentially revise the list as more information about the project is released


The point of this meeting is think a little bit about what we are going to do for the upcoming CSE110 Project


October 8, 2022

  1. Sticky Notes

    • The emphasis of this project will be on the ease of use of the program
    • Sample sticky notes
    • CRUD elements Users can create multiple sticky notes, edit them, delete them.
  2. Shareable Bookmarks

  3. Instagram but not Instagram


  1. Fall 2021

Things to do before next meeting


Recording of Meeting


Choose your favorite type of ramen